17 March 2008

Lyn, Urban Journalist

Lyn is not my real name. If you attempt to track down a disgruntled woman named Lyn, you will probably succeed, but it won't be me.

I am a thin, athletic, mildly attractive woman with no significant psychological hang-ups-- unless you count having standards as a hang-up. Once upon a time, I could only drink wine coolers, but I've worked my way up to Guinness and rum punch. One day, I hope to be able to shoot vodka like a pro. I play keyboards and write music by night, and am an audio technician by day. I like metal music.

I am near-psychotically fearless. This fatalism is likely due to my complete lack of respect for Death as a concept. Buddhism in a nutshell-- this shit has happened before, and it's going to happen again. Everyone dies. One day, I'll die. I hope to die before I need to wear adult diapers.

I was IQ tested numerous times during my primary and secondary education, and the mean score was 168-- but I still do stupid shit, use foul language, and fuck up like a regular jack-off. I recently attempted to involve myself with a local protest organization, but was shunned for using too many big words.

I believe in standards and discrimination-- not based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexuality, or religion, but on merit and quality. I believe in true love, women's rights, and earning my own keep. I believe in tolerance of differences, but not of what is wrong-- Budd Select should be tolerated, but Coors Light is Wrong. I believe that we are all responsible for taking care of our earth, for the actions of our elected government, and for living good lives. I believe that people who have random sex are sluts-- but if it makes you happy, whatever. Wear a condom.

These things will all provide you with some perspective on how and why I think and write the way I do. You may agree, you may not. Hopefully, I've already offended you.

Additional useless information:
I like candy. A lot. If you approach me in a dark van and offer me candy, I will taze you and take your candy.

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