02 July 2008


You all have heard of nation building and its associated ills. Partake of this activity with me: world building, I like to call it. Enacting public change or creating a stir with the aim of jarring people out of their apathy and making them think. The wider the area of effect, the better.

Today, I wrote on the back window of my car with bright red non-toxic paint, '37 mpg' and then, in smaller letters, 'I don't drive it cause it's sexy.'
I got three waves and a peace sign on the drive from League City to downtown Houston. People see it, and they respond. Also, lots of assholes in large trucks and diesel-driven cars felt the need to tailgate me, then whip around and drive 80 mph to show off what their fuel-eating vehicles can do. Seriously, you mutant jack-offs, it just makes chicks hate you more.

Try doing the same. Write your gas mileage on your car. It will either haunt you and remind you of how much you're paying for how little, or it will get others to think. Car companies are bragging about having gas mileage a little over 22 mpg-- uh, Fix-It to Homebase: whisky tango foxtrot? Early 90s compacts got 35 mpg average. Your auto industry is lying to you... not that that's anything new.

Next, I am slowly piecing together the parts for a very sexy, very cheap, very fast electric car. Because it CAN be done, it can EASILY be done, and it can even more easily be done by ME. And if I can do it, you regular jack-offs can at least try.

Furthermore, I am rooting for This Poor Bastard. Michael Skelly is the owner of an alternative energy business in Houston, and he's challenging 8-year incumbent John Culberson.

John Culberson: Voted down S-CHIP, hates Mexicans, hates black people, hates renewable energy, hates the Middle East, and supports drilling oil out of the continental shelf and in Alaska.

Michael Skelly: Wants affordable health care for all Texans, likes everyone, is liked by everyone, owns and operates a renewable energy company, thinks drilling oil is for pussies who can't reduce oil dependence, would like to see Iraq run their own damn nation, and is a freakin' genius.

Now, here's the problem. The Texas-7 district contains two very powerful neighborhoods: Katy, and Montrose. Katy is full of white people who don't want basketball courts in their neighborhoods because they're afraid it will encourage gang violence. Montrose is full of people who don't usually vote because they're too busy being unwashed hippies or homosexuals trying to survive in Texas. The result: 8 years of service and full pension from Uncle Sam for a douchebag who hates everyone who isn't anglo, german, or scandinavian.

Vote Skelly, because he's not a mutant jack-off.

All the worst,

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